Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


1. Why is communication important?

Communication is very important as if we did not communicate with other people, we will not know a lot of things.

2. What is/are your favourite forms of communication? Why?

My favourite form of communication is non-verbal communication such as body language because we might not be able to control our body language, so it is very easy to tell if anybody is lying through their body language.

3. How do you decide which form of communication to use in a situation?

I can decide which form of communication to use in a situation by considering if the person that I am communicating with is able to hear or see me. For example, if my friend is far away, I might not be able to communicate verbally with my friend, so we might send letters or emails to each other instead of talking on the phone.

4. What difficulties do you face in communicating with others?

Not everybody will listen to me when I am speaking, so it will be hard for me to convey my message.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 2: Tower Building

Day 1 Mac Attack 1 - Activity 4: End-of-Day Reflection

Reflection Questions

  1. What have you done today?
  2. What have you learnt today?
  3. Why did you choose to come to SST?
  4. What are your aspirations as a member of the SST family?
  5. How have you grown from the activities conducted today? Use one of the pictures from the PICASA album which best illustrates your growth (especially in relation to the 3Rs)
1. Today, I made some new friends and met my form teacher for the first time. I also learnt to do the SST cheers.

2. I learnt more about the "3Rs" which refers to roles, responsibilities and rights. I also learnt more about my learning device.

3.I chosen SST as I am very interested in science and I wanted to upgrade my knowledge in science.
4. I want to try to win awards for the school and do my parents and school proud.
5. I learnt that we are responsible for all our actions and everybody have rights, but there is a limit to everything we do, and if cross this boundary we would have to face the consequences.